
வெற்றி பெற்று சிரிப்பவன் - வீரன்.
துன்பத்தில் சிரிப்பவன் - மனிதன்.
கோபத்தில் சிரிப்பவன் - சிந்தனையாளன்.
இன்பத்தில் சிரிப்பவன் -முட்டாள்.
எதுவென்று தெரியாமல் சிரிப்பவன் -பாசாங்கு செய்பவன்.
கண்ணைப் பார்த்து சிரிப்பவன் - கஞ்சன்.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014


Everyone has a dream! You must be having it too! But some have a real zeal to pursue their dreams with great persistence, perseverance and strength to become and do what they want in life. Many of us love our country and countrymen and want to do something real good for our motherland India to keep up her pride and honor. The development with the pace of time is the key word in the success of people and country. In the democratic India, each one of us has something to share on government policies, rules and regulations, general pubic life, possibilities and opportunities of development and growth, the future of country, political issues, critical issues etc. With our experience and practical with democracy and current affairs of our country, we realize ‘need of change’ and have good suggestions and ideas that can benefit country and countrymen. They say “to think is the greatest asset and potential of mankind”, so your ideas and thinking are the greatest assets of India that can help her to attain success in every field. You might have felt sometime “would I be the Prime Minister of India, I would have done this and that…”, that shows that you really want to change the present state of affairs for better in the common interest. Each one has different intellectual, knowledge, experience and capacity that differs one’s perceptions and thinking from others. So if you have a suggestion and experience to share, that you want to tell to the Indian government and other enthusiastic and energetic countrymen for making a change for better, THEN WRITE IT HERE. Put yourself in the position of Prime Minister of a country having the largest democratic government, greatest potential and multiple diversities in present era, and if you were at the top of hierarchy in political and administrative system of your country, then what changes and orders you do that will be really needed.
if I were the Prime Minister of India, what would I do to make India a super power by 2020? “where the mind is without fear and the head is held high...Into that heaven of freedom, my father, let my country awake". Tagore and so many other leaders of our country envisioned an India far better than what we have made it today. Easy though it may be for us to blame it on the 'corrupt political leaders' or the ‘useless government’, the truth lies in the fact that they are also one of us. we have elected them. if we point a finger at them, we would be pointing 3 fingers back at ourselves. we say we cannot change the system. What we don’t realize is that we don’t need to change the system, we need to change ourselves. we need to ask ourselves what we have done for the country and get positive answers. India is our country too not just the politicians and we must contribute towards building a better India, one envisioned by Tagore, by Gandhi, by us.

A 14 year old, when asked by our president APi Abdul Kalam what she would like to be when she grows up, replied, 9 would like to be a citizen of developed India". To most of us, this is developed India as we believe that no more development can be brought about what with the population explosion, the corruption and the poverty. Instead of spreading awareness regarding population control, reporting the acts of corruption or spreading literacy to help poverty ridden people secure a minimum standard of living, we choowe to just sit back and criticize about the laws of the land. we have learned to resign and do nothing and have become fully convinced that India is in a hopeless situation and can't be helped. But that is only because we have chosen to adopt the easy way rather than the right way. It's high time that we woke up and realize the consequence for our decisions will ultimately harm or benefit us.

If I were to become the Prime Minister of India.
 I will live like the humblest citizen. I will not like to call myself the Prime Minister at all. In a democracy there are no menials and ministers no peons, no premiers. In fact, I feel that I could do my little bit for the country as a Prime Minister.
I will keep myself just like the greatest servant of the country. I am by nature soft hearted selfless, devoted and ready to make any sacrifice for the common good of the nation. Another man's wound pains me as severely as my own. My sense of self-respect is injured when I find poverty sticking to my countrymen like some ugly, disreputable disease. As the Prime Minister of my country it will be my aim and ambition to bring prosperity to the hungry millions.
There is a large number of minors and majors young boys and girls, men and women uneducated in our country and they cannot make distinction between good and bad, right and wrong. First of all will restrict child labor and secondly, I make education free and compulsory so that children can go to school. Now-a-days, education is not of a uniform character. I shall see that there are only good schools and all boys and girls whether rich or poor, get the same education. There should be no corruption in education.
I shall keep my country strong by keeping a strong army. The strength of the Indian army will keep others away from our borders. I would not like to start a war but would not allow anybody to walk over our defenses.
I shall strive to keep good relations with all countries. I shall try to have friends. I shall have such relations with other countries as will enhance our prestige abroad. This is possible only when we are internally strong.
Internal strength depends on the economic development of a country. I shall try to make India as much self-sufficient as possible. My first care will be self-sufficiency in food. I would work all my might to raise the status of my country. Thus, I would make India of my dreams.

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